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To live simply.

We tidy up for you

not because you are not capable

but because you have better to do

Happy Clients' Homes

Let's Meet

We are Carla and Elena, two certified Professional Organizers.

We provide customized solutions for tidying up and organizing your spaces and objects. 


So you will save time, energy and money for your well-being and your passions

Our Customers

Our customers are not only the disorganized, but also those who don't want to spend the weekend cleaning out their closets or tidying up their homes!

Many of our clients are people who are in a moment of transition: moving, getting married (or divorced), having a baby, have just retired or starting a new home-based business…

No matter who you are, we are here to help make your spaces functional for the life you live.


"Just after the first meeting I felt that it was what I needed at this moment in my life. I'm really satisfied and it was an internal journey rather than an external one"


"Now my daughter and I get ready much faster, we get to kindergarten on time and above all I can wear clothes that I didn't remember having because they ended up at the bottom of the drawer."


"It's since Saturday that I try, I keep, I throw or fold a bit a day... I'm almost done and I feel like reborn!!!"


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